Getting your body in shape is a byproduct when doing Acrobatic Fitness.
When learning acrobatics you condition your body to be able to meet the physical demand that is needed to perform acrobatics.
When doing acrobatics there are four areas of conditioning you will always be focused on and in this order.
Flexibility is the secret to youth. Your body must be able to move in all directions without restriction or resistance to movement to feel physically youthful. This is achieved by doing daily flexibility stretching that you will learn with acrobatic fitness.
Strength is essential to have to be able to move your body without effort. This full-body strength can be accomplished by training and learning acrobatic skills through acrobatic fitness. Full body strength is a by-product of doing acrobatics.
Balance is acquired by practicing various balance positions. To be able to achieve these balance positions your body will need to have developed the flexibility and strength to hold these positions. By performing these balance positions in training your body will become even more flexible and stronger.
Endurance is increased by the doing of physical activity at regular intervals and that each time you perform these physical activities you increase the intensity or distance a bit further with each practice.